Minggu, 15 Juni 2014

One Lazy Day to Relieving Stress; Campus Life

One Lazy Day to Relieving Stress;
Campus Life

            University life is by far different from that of high school. Students are assigned with ample tasks in a row with profoundly short due dates. In response to the tremendous tasks assigned to them, many decide to end up cramming, leaving them with terrible stress. Once they are stressful, the tasks approaching to due date often force them harder to falling into unsuccessful results. However, a recent study unveils an effective step to relieving stress in hope to tackle the challenges in the university life, that is, to have at least one lazy day to enable  the students to unload their psychological burden, reconstruct their time-management, and to gather more enthusiasm.
            Psychological burden can push students into more terrible suffering than physical burden does. One can relieve physical burden by spending two or three hours on napping, yet one falls into a longer-lasting suffering when he/she encounters a psychological burden. In university life, once students suffer from psychological, as well as physical burdens due to daily activities, they will tend to perform poorer in classes, resulting in fair or often poor grades. However, by having one lazy day, students are more likely to unload both physical and psychological burdens by doing activities that they find exciting. These activities function as stress-relieving treatments.
            Time management is another successive, problematic result that strikes stressful students. When students are made stressful by their tasks, and also by thinking of approaching due dates of other tasks, the rest of their tasks are usually terribly managed. This bad time-management often pushes them into a severer stress. Nevertheless, having one day off to be lazy will enable them to consider once again all the tasks and the due dates, reconstructing their time management. The whole lazy day is helpful to make a timeline, matching one task with the due date by priority. Doing this, students will have an overview of how they should allocate their time, enabling them to slowly relieve from stress because they are certain that one task will have been done by the time the due date arrives.
            Stressful students are usually those lacking enthusiasm. Therefore, this is crucial to switch students’ stressful mood into enthusiasm. Enthusiasm is undeniably the most important factor to help students survive and give their tasks their best performance, and the fact reveals that the majority of successful students are those of enthusiastic students in pursuing their goals. Therefore, having one lazy day is important to free students from busy tasks and let them gather motivations to pursue their goals. The ‘one lazy-day’ will let them refresh their mind, and rethink of their goals in pursuing their degree.
            In conclusion, there are three major problems that students encounter when they are stressful, and the three major problems often cause them to suffer more terrible stress. Hence, they should reconsider that forcing them to keep up with the tasks while they are stressful can result in getting poor grades, and they should consider having one lazy day to relieve from stress to do more tasks and perform well.

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