26 April, 2013
Committee : Special Political and Decolonization Committee
Topic : Cyber-security
Name of Delegate : Yoga Lordason
Faculty/Major/Batch : Faculty of Humanities/English
Cyber-space attack
which has maliciously knocked offline an ample of Ukrainian governmental and other
websites is a signal warning
of danger within the international affairs as it becomes
increasingly probable to trigger a violent retaliation between conflicting countries
for similar attack, resulting in severe disruption of peace. In latter decades,
cyber-crimes have threatened the world’s peace through the wide breadth of
motives of cyber-criminal perpetration which stretches from financial to
political aims, incorporating banking sector, educational sector, health sector,
and to a wide extent, governmental sector. To make it worse, these cyber-crimes
are not only carried out by individuals. Rather, a large number of cases where
governmental groups carry out a variety of cyber-crime practices have broaden
out over time, indicating that cyber-crime puts the world at danger of being
unrest. An attack on one country should not be treated merely as a two-country
conflict, yet it should be seen within the context of international security,
supposedly because it may raise tensions among partner-countries of conflicting
countries. From that viewpoint, hence, Ukraine believes that the Special
Political and Decolonization must provide adequate preventions and protections against
threats of any forms of cyber-crime in the endeavor to obtain peace among
world-wide nations. In particular, to provide the adequate protections and
preventions from disruption of peace caused by cyber-crimes, a common
understanding of the danger of cyber-crimes among countries should be
facilitated by the Special Political and Decolonization committee.
As a country that has been mounted under cyber-attacks, Ukraine
thinks that whether the cyber-attacks have been done by governmental groups or
individuals, by any reasons, the attacks under cyber-crime violate the
international law and the sovereignty of a country. Furthermore, the impacts
that it has on the country is massive. The cyber-attack to Ukraine has
immensely crippled the banks, industrial sites, media, and it has defaced
networks run by the Kiev government and other important organizations (
Therefore, in whatever way, Ukraine expresses a complete disapprobation upon any
forms of cyber-attack.
Ukraine believes that deterrence against cyber-attacks may not
sufficiently be achieved through regional and bilateral agreements on
cyber-security only, basically because the opportunities have been created for
criminals to perpetrate cyber-attacks from amazingly remote area. Therefore,
Ukraine suggests that the Special Political and Decolonization must withstand
as an intermediate agency to bring all countries into an agreement on
cyber-security. This assumption originates in a belief that engaging all
countries in this agreement will definitely decrease the number of
cyber-attacks in the future. Then penalties for cyber-crime perpetrators who
perpetrate a certain degree of cyber-crime should be enacted and enforced so
that the attempt towards cyber-security could be realized.
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