Sabtu, 29 Maret 2014

Does non-academic involvement matter?

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                While a number of university students raise no particular interests in non-academic involvement, such as organizations and community services, the following upon-experience-based facts suggest that you should put non-academic involvement into consideration. The first and decisive factor will go to your academic success. Most international scholarships and non-graduating exchange student programs, such as the British Chevening Scholarships and TF National University of Singapore Learn Award, are awarded to students on the basis of both academic and non-academic accomplishments which are underpinned by certificates. These certificates are the basic references to presume that the students have already acquired certain skills prior to any circumstances they may come across in their new environments. Also, non-academic involvement is believed by many experienced students to help you with regards to discovering your passion. In the organizations or community services in which you are engaged, you tend to do various projects. As you work on those projects, you will be benefited a great deal in discovering what sort of doing matches your passion and potential. From this starting-point, hence, you are two times likely to develop you potential and set what future career may suit you. The last reason to consider about non-academic involvement is its promising prospect to win in the battle of highly competitive job-finding era. Due to the increasing demands for fresh graduates with soft skills seen as essential aspect to make good employees, universities throughout Indonesia, including University of Indonesia, has recently recorded and issued statements of students’ non-academic involvements bearing grades such as good, fair or excellent. Most importantly, the statements will—with other accompanying documents--help students remain in the shortlisted candidates in the company to which they are applying. Therefore, those clearly depicted reasons above should convince you that student involvement in organizations or community services does matter, and that you should start thinking of engaging yourself to it! :D

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